Nicley Theatre Group Presents

Nicley Theatre Group Presents

Special Event | Available (Membership Required)

29995 W 12 Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 United States
Harrison Hall - 2nd floor
5/14/2025 (one day)
7:00 PM-8:30 PM EDT on Wed

Nicley Theatre Group Presents

Special Event | Available (Membership Required)

Special Events Register at

Join Nicely Theatre Group (NTG) Founder, David Carroll and Creative Director, Mitch Master as they share stories of NTG’s evolution and its lore. NTG is a professional, non-profit theater company, based in Oakland County, that is dedicated to high quality theatrical production for a wide audience. The group focuses on one performance per year

and to date they have mounted productions of ANYTHING GOES, PIPPIN, A CHORUS LINE and others, with its most recent a spectacular version of GUYS AND DOLLS. Nicely Theatre Group’s exuberant passion and talent is uncontainable. See and hear performances by NTG cast members from previous shows as well as a preview of the

new 2025 production. This evening of theatre is sure to be a treat!

Wednesday, May 14, 2025; 7:00 PM - Harrison Hall • SOAR members - $10; Non-SOAR members - $20

*Non-SOAR members may register through the Special Events/Field Trips tab on our website: