To register for a term or make a donation, begin by logging into your account.

Only create a new account if you have NEVER taken classes with SOAR before. 

If you try to login and are unsuccessful, click on the link under the Username and Password boxes,
 ' Forgot your username and/or password?'

SOAR does not store user names or passwords.  If you do not remember the email address you used to create your account, please contact SOAR.

After you have tried to reset your account, if you are still having trouble and you have not registered for classes in at least 4 years, your account might be inactive.

If your think that your account is 'inactive' please call the SOAR office 248.626.0296 for reactivation. DO NOT create a new account.

If you are still having trouble after you attempt to log in and to reset your username/password, please call the office. 248-626-0296
New user? Create an Account now.

Create an account to register for classes, select memberships and more.