S2539 From Pop to Swing: The Music of the 30s

S2539 From Pop to Swing: The Music of the 30s

Class | Registration opens Monday, March 10, 2025 10:00 AM EST

29995 W 12 Mile Rd Farmington Hills, MI 48334 United States
3rd Floor
5/7/2025 (one day)
1:00 AM-2:30 AM EST on Wed

S2539 From Pop to Swing: The Music of the 30s

Class | Registration opens Monday, March 10, 2025 10:00 AM EST

The 1930s were a transition from the Jazz Age of the 1920s to a more sophisticated style that evolved into what became known as Big Band or Swing. But the popular style of music of the 20s was still around in the early 30s. Attendees will hear songs from artists and musicians like Judy Garland, Woody Herman, and the Boswell sisters. There will even be a surprise or two! Join your fellow SOAR members to explore the music of this important decade.

Live (In-Person Only) - Not Recorded

Johnson, Stuart
Stuart Johnson

In 2007, as an outreach of the Michigan Jazz Record Collectors (MJRC), Stu Johnson began and continues to lecture on jazz and jazz-related topics at numerous locations throughout the Metro Detroit area including libraries, the Adult Learning Institute, the Music Theatre class at U of D-Mercy, SOAR LLI, MORE Macomb, other senior groups and organizations, and at a convention of the International Association of Jazz Record Collectors.