S2531 The History and the Literature: The Librarian of Burned Books
Class | Registration opens Monday, March 10, 2025 10:00 AM EST
Using The Librarian of Burned Books by Brianna Labuskes as the launching point, we will spend the first hour looking at the history of the period covered in the novel. Specifically, we will consider the rise of Hitler and the Nazis. We will also explore the politics of the US in 1944, the penultimate year of the war, from Roosevelt’s campaign for a fourth term and the conservative opposition. The class will also include a look at Armed Services Edition (ASE) books. We will then spend an hour discussing the novel as contemporary literature. Readers and history buffs welcome!
Live (In-Person Only) - Recorded
Stan and Diane Henderson
Stan and Diane Henderson are avid readers – Stan reads history, Diane fiction. In other lives, they would have been history and English professors. Now they team up to share their passions with SOAR. Pre-retirement, Stan was the Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Life at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, and Diane was an educational program planner and consultant. Both are currently failing retirement.