S2528 Rise Up, Children of the Fatherland: Defining Nationalism and Its Influence
Class | Registration opens Monday, March 10, 2025 10:00 AM EST
Since the French Revolution, nationalism has been a potent force shaping national and international politics. This class will define this phenomenon and will explore many examples, both positive and negative, of its influence throughout the world. Focal points will include the United States, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Russia (Slavophilism), and Japan, while exploring challenges in multi-ethnic/linguistic countries like Canada, Belgium, Nigeria, South Africa, and others.
In-Person & Broadcast (Hybrid) - Not Recorded
Thomas Sosnowski
Dr. Thomas C. Sosnowski is a native of Detroit with a B.A. from the University of Detroit and Ph.D. from Kent State University. Sosnowski taught at KSU’s Stark Campus in Canton, Ohio for 41 years. He studied French at Quebec’s Laval University and has traveled extensively. Sosnowski’s primary research has been on 17th and 18th century French history. Dr. Sosnowski was honored by Kent State with its Distinguished Teaching Award. |