S2526 Eisenhower Keeps the Nation on Course
Class | Registration opens Monday, March 10, 2025 10:00 AM EST
Generals do not necessarily make good presidents. Imagine Patton as President! However, Eisenhower's command responsibilities — a multi-nation coalition — provided excellent training for governing a diverse nation. During his eight years in office, his popularity remained at near-record highs. Maybe he was lucky; post-war Americans relished his "hidden hand" style of leadership. Would it work today?
Live (In-Person Only) - Not Recorded
Bruce Zellers
Since 1983, Bruce Zellers has taught history at Greenhills School in Ann Arbor and taught at Oakland University for more than 20 years. His interests range widely in American history, and he lectures frequently on topics from the Colonial Era to the present. A particular interest has been American military history; his book reviews in this area can be found in “The Journal of Military History,” “The Michigan War Studies Review,” and elsewhere.