S2523 Lights in the Darkness: Female Anti-Nazi Defiance During the Shoah
Class | Registration opens Monday, March 10, 2025 10:00 AM EST
Based on her extensive research and firsthand interviews, author, Holocaust educator, and playwright, Joanne Gilbert's class features and celebrates the little-known, indomitable, young Polish Jewish girls who actively — and successfully — risked everything to defy the Nazis and their collaborators. Topics include: Significance of "Light" in Jewish Culture, Impact of the Holocaust on Jewish American Baby Boomers, Types of Resistance, Historic Jewish Female Resisters, and "VOICES OF VALOR!: A Holocaust Education Theatrical Project for Classrooms.
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Joanne Gilbert
As a Baby Boomer, born and raised in Detroit and Oak Park, and now residing in Las Vegas, Joanne was profoundly influenced by her Grandmother Millie Ron, whose family had been murdered in Vilna. Growing up with the stories of the ways that Survivors had defied the Nazis, inspired Joanne to dedicate herself to proving that the Jewish People did NOT go, "silently like sheep to the slaughter." And that Resistance is not limited by age, size, or gender.