S2504 The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Class | Unavailable
The Met is the 4th largest museum in the world with an encyclopedic collection that spans the globe and the centuries. We’ll explore some of its most important works and some lesser-known ones in both the 5th Avenue building and the Cloisters. The images presented will bring back fond memories of artworks familiar to you and give ideas for what to look for in future visits.
Live (In-Person Only) - Not Recorded
Wendy Evans
Art historian Wendy Evans has advanced degrees from Oxford University, England and WSU, Detroit. She taught art history at Wayne State, is a longtime DIA volunteer, and loves to share her passion for art with groups in the metro area and beyond. In the 15 years between 2006 and 2021 Evans gave 55 presentations at SOAR on a wide range of art topics. More information is at www.art-talks.org