SP2425 Japan's Food Culture: A Historical Culinary Tour

SP2425 Japan's Food Culture: A Historical Culinary Tour

Class | This class is completed

29995 W 12 Mile Rd Farmington Hills, MI 48334 United States

3rd Floor

5/14/2024 (one day)

10:00 AM-11:30 AM EDT on Tue



Are sushi, ramen, and tempura as quintessentially Japanese as apple pie and hot dogs are American? This presentation will answer this question through a historical exploration of foodstuffs and food culture in Japan. Like a multicourse meal, it will address topics ranging from the impact of globalization, the introduction of new ingredients, and improved technologies for food in relation to status, regional and national identity, gender expectations, and economic revitalization. There is no need to wear an apron, but be prepared to go away hungry!

Lublin, Elizabeth

Dr. Elizabeth Lublin is an Associate Professor of History at Wayne State University and teaches a variety of courses on China, Japan, and Korea. Lublin’s research interests focus on late 19th and early 20th century Japan, and she is currently writing a book on the tobacco industry during those years.