Computer Science (Term 3)

Computer Science (Term 3)

AfterSchool | Available

Grades 6-8

Tuesday, February 27, 2024-Tuesday, May 21, 2024

3:45 PM-5:00 PM on Tue

$350.00 USD

$75.00 USD

New Club: Computer Science
Sponsors: Mr. Phatak (NSS Labs & & Mr. Zollner 

In this club, students will explore the basics of computer science through engaging activities, hands-on projects, and collaborative learning. The curriculum covers the following key areas: Introduction to Programming, Computational Thinking, Web Development Basics, Introduction to Hardware, and Cybersecurity Awareness.

When: Tuesdays from 3:50 to 5:00 PM

Note: This club is in Term 3 only.