Painting & Collage: Pets & Other Creatures (PA-19)

Workshop | This program is completed

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

5/11/2024 (one day)

11:00 AM-5:00 PM on Sat


Animals offer a boundless variety of unique shapes, colors, patterns, and textures to respond to and play with when making art. Exploring the subject of animals or pets, students will learn various methods to develop imagery using acrylic paint, charcoal and collage. Creating several small to medium artworks, students can experiment with different styles of depiction, from realistic representation to graphic, pop-art style, to imaginative abstraction. Students are encouraged to bring in source material imagery of animals, such as images of creatures or pets found online, in magazines or your own personal photos. Source material references will also be provided. 

  • Teens 15+ welcome.

Rachel Reynolds Z holds a BFA from the College for Creative Studies and earned an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts. She exhibits regionally.